Friday, July 3, 2009

Last night I got to watch Eddie sing the "Doctor" role in Samuel Barber's "Vanessa" in Giessen. Some of the music was wonderful, the stage design was very interesting and I really liked the libretto (by Gian Carlo Menotti) of the opera. One of the lines: "And, you old people, may death release you before you too clearly remember or cease to dream". Oooooh, I really like that line.
After the opera and the ubiquitous party afterward, we went back to the hotel room. It was blistering hot in the room so we opened the windows, which face the busiest street in Giessen. It took us about 1 minute to decide to pack up and leave. So, Eddie drove home while I helped from the passenger seat (with my eyes closed) and slept until 10 this morning.
It's now almost 31° and we have fans going in every room and all the shutters closed. If we don't move around much, it's actually OK.
Tomorrow, the 4th of July, I have a concert in the area. I'm trying to decide just how few articles of clothing I can decently wear to sing in. And just how to deal with the fact that I have a persistent cough that I will have to fight tomorrow night. I've asked for back-up in the form of Luke, Eddie and Florian. Together we are strong!
I just listened to a few rough mixes of songs for the new album. This is going to be very very special. :) Hope you like it!


  1. Hi Cae, thank you for sharing some of your life with us, I am enjoying your blog so much.
    I am a BIG fan of yours, have all your CD's, have been to many of your concerts and we even talked a few times but you meet so many people, I don't expect you to remember me :-)) I just love your voice no matter what you sing, I also love when you sing with "4 your soul". Unfortunately I can't make it tomorrow night to Liedolsheim.....
    So now you got me all excited about that new album and I am a little confused why the title that they chose (can't even remember it now) would work better for the german audience than "Inner Sanctum"....??? I hope they make up their mind about that.
    Keep singing and good luck for your concert tomorrow night, you will beat the cough !
    Love, Nicole

  2. Da kann ich mich grad zwei Mal anschließen:

    1. Hab den Blog heute entdeckt und mich riesig gefreut so viel von dir zu lesen über das, was du so tust und denkst! Hoffe, du schreibst schön fleißig! :)

    Und 2. Mag "Inner sanctum" auch lieber! ;-)


  3. Da kann ich mich grad zwei Mal anschließen:

    1. Hab den Blog erst heute entdeckt und mich riesig gefreut, so viel von dir zu lesen über das, was du tust und denkst... Hoffe, du schreibst weiterhin schön fleißig! :-)

    2. Ich finde den Titel "Inner Sanctum" auch toll / besser! ;-)



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