Monday, April 26, 2010


On Saturday I had the great honor of singing a benefit concert for the Beratungstelle Aus-Weg?! What an amazing work this handful of people do. So much time, energy, love and money poured into women and men affected by unwanted pregnancies or the emotional pain of coming to grips with past abortions. They are supported solely by private donations because the State will only financially support organizations that provide neutral options to women. This Beratungstelle is anything but neutral. They invest in LIFE. They provide contacts, counseling, money, refuge, and medical referrals in the hopes that some women considering abortion can find the strength to give their baby a fighting chance at LIFE.
I put together a program especially aimed at affirming the LIFE we've been given. Some songs that I've sung countless times took on a whole new meaning in the light of this particular theme. Songs like "Bridge over Troubled Water", "God Bless the Child" "Ich Steh zu Dir", "Seele, Was Ermüdst du Dich", "Weiter auf dem Weg", "Wir Fallen Hin" and "Seine Gnade" can be balsam for the troubled soul.
I'm so thankful for each of these songs- and so many others as well. And thankful that the Holy Spirit carries them in careful hands to so many hearts and minds.
The last song of the program was "Mutterseelenallein". I haven't sung it for years and I must admit, there was an emotional hurdle for me to jump to sing it to this audience.
It is a very personal song, recorded while I was pregnant with my youngest son, Luke. He was diagnosed in utero with a debilitating handicap and it was suggested that I seriously consider an abortion. It turned out that the tests were very badly mistaken and Luke is a brilliant young man who is about to graduate from Gymnasium with a major in economics and philosophy.
And he is so full of LIFE.


  1. Hallo Cae! Dieses Lied "Mutterseelen allein" geht so sehr unter die Haut, dass ich Angst bekomme, wenn ich es höre. Was würdest du im Fall einer Vergewaltigung sagen? Ich habe oft darüber nachgedacht. Als Kind in dem Wissen leben zu müssen, dass meine Existenz Folge eines Gewaltverbrechens ist, stelle ich mir sehr belastend vor.

    Ein ähnlich brisantes Thema wie "aktive Sterbehilfe". Ich find es gut, dass du mit deinen Gedanken und deiner Musik einen Beitrag zu diesem Thema leistest.

  2. Liebe Anonymous, Ich denke nicht, wie manche andere, in schwarz und weiss. Aber wichtig ist daß jeder Frau in jeder Situation die Möglichkeit hat eine informierte, gut-überlegte und unterstützte Entscheidung zu treffen.
    Weil diese Beratungsstelle das anbietet will ich es unterstützen.
    Danke für deine Kommentar dazu! :)
    ganz liebe Grüße,

  3. Hallo Cae,
    ich finde gerade den passenden Blogbeitrag nicht, daher poste ich meinen neuesten Fund mal hier. :)
    Habe eben bei Bibel TV gesehen, dass die Sendung mit Euch am Montag den 3.5. um 16:30 Uhr gesendet wird. (Falls Du das noch nicht wusstest.)

    Liebe Grüße

  4. Hi Cae,

    Friends of us just had a litte baby...during the whole pregnancy they were told the baby would be seriously ill, water on the head and more...they prayed a lot, and of course as Children of God decided NOT to abort...what a Blessing like in your case the doctors were seriously WRONG...and I feel like crying knowing how many parents have killed there kids because they received info like that.
    We´ve been to your concert...I remember Lucas as little baby in the American Church years back...just look at him, and he´s got rythm...boy.. What a blessing to have children!!!
    Thank you and also to Eddie for NOT keeping your talent and the praise to God in a hiding place...but sharing it with us... the concert was our Wedding day present...and what a present :o)


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