After flying home last night from Hamburg, it has taken me all day to get caught up on emails, business, bills, Lifeline mailings, etc. And now, whew, I can catch my breath and greet you all with a sunny first-golden-crocus-of-spring greeting. Yep, 2 of those beauties came up this morning in the garden. In Hamburg it was snowing yesterday and there were MOUNTAINS of plowed snow on every street corner and parking lot. The roads were icy and the wind was cold. So it is good to be back in the warmer region of the Rhine Valley.
Last Sunday was such a fun, but busy and tiring day. Eddie, my darling husband, drove me up to Siegen to do a concert with a volunteer choir of 130 voices. They and their band had chosen the repertoire for the concert and there were lots of oldies but goodies for me to take out and dust off. In the dusting, I discovered that we were to do an old favorite "Jericho". I had recorded this in 1990, or thereabouts as a duet with Henning Rauhut. I really haven't seen him since. But I decided to try to call him at an old telephone number I had for him to ask him to come to Siegen to sing this song with me again. The number was right and before I had finished my request, Henning said he would come. :)
I had no idea what I would find when I got there for the rehearsals. I kind of like that risk of the unknown! What I found was a wonderfully prepared band and a well-rehearsed choir and lots of very happy and joyous people. And Henning Rauhut. Oh boy, did we have fun!
Sabine Heilmann is an excellent choir director and we just clicked. The choir was so flexible and spontaneous in spite its' size. And the band around keyboarder Martin Decker, outdid themselves.
On Monday I had a 4yourSoul concert at the Kammertheater in Karlsruhe. The concert has been sold out for about 2 months already, so there was no point in telling you about it beforehand! :) We invited a guest to perform with us. His name is Dino Soldo. What a musician! He has played all kinds of instruments for all kinds of great artists through the years. Saxophone, clarinet, harmonica, and electronic wind instrument played for Leonard Cohen, Ray Charles, Beyonce, Lionel Richie, Ernie Watts, Woody Allen, Lou Rawls and 4yourSoul. He just blew us away and inspired us to sing like we've never sung before. What an unforgettable concert that was.
On Tuesday we flew to Hamburg and I spent the afternoon at my favorite bead atelier- Maddy Popper. The owners of the store allowed me exclusive access to their treasure of beads from all over the world. And I went a little bit crazy there for about 3 hours. You will see the purchases from that afternoon popping up in Lifelines now for a while.
On Wednesday we pre-recorded a talk show for Bibel TV. Florian, Eddie and I were interviewed by an interesting man, Wolfgang Severin, who is a Catholic priest in Brussels. Honestly, we could have visited with him for hours and hours. We had as many questions for him as he did for us. I don't know when it will be shown on television, but I'll try to keep you posted.
So, what about Margot Käßman? Forget the fact that she was the first female Bishop of the Protestant Church in Germany. She is the mother of 4 daughters. I, as a mother, cannot imagine getting drunk, much less getting drunk and then getting behind the steering wheel of a car! Lord have mercy! She had to have drunk 1 liter of wine to have as much alcohol as she had in her blood.
What a shame. We met her 2 weeks ago when we sang in Berlin for the EPD 100-year celebration. She is so intelligent, sharp, clever, funny and wise. What in the world happened?
So, moving on......
I will try to put a radio interview on to this blog that Eddie and I did last week with Michael Wieland from Radio Herob. I'm not making any promises that this will work. I am pretty clutzy when it comes to such technical things. See if this works:
Radio Horeb interview with Cae and Eddie
Wishing you a Great Thaw!