I left the candle in the above picture burning too long and the wreath caught on fire. I was sitting in the living room making Lifelines and glanced up to see flames shooting about a foot up in the air. I yelled and Eddie jumped up before I could move the beads out of my lap and grabbed it and ran (!) to the kitchen and put it under water. He let me clean up the mess of scorched and melted leaves and plastic.
I went up later to bed to find my side of the bed soaking wet. We puzzled for a long time over what in the world this could be. I was actually afraid to sniff it. :) But when I did, it smelled liked water. And we looked up, and the ceiling was dripping. It has snowed so much here and the wind has blown so hard that snow was blown up and under the roof tiles, piling up in the attic. As it melted, it found its' way through the ceiling paneling onto my side of the bed. (Lucky me! ) So, we got to tape plastic to the ceiling and change the sheets on the bed. The local roof specialist is coming to see what has to be done tomorrow.
Let's see, what else....? Oh yeah, Eddie's car was totally destroyed by a young driver who was driving too fast on this snow and ice. Neither of them was injured and we are thankful for that. But it meant finding a rental car for Eddie and now considering what kind of a car he can buy for the small amount of insurance money he will receive as compensation for his loss.
This year has gotten off to a dramatic start!
Today I recorded 3 demonstration tracks for Michael Heise. He used to play bass in my band. But since I don't have a band anymore, we hardly ever see each other. Lately, he's been writing a lot of music. I've written some texts for him. And he has hired me to record some of his compositions so that he can shop them around to producers and arrangers who are looking for repertoire for their artists. You never know!!! He might have written a hit!!!
Hope you're all staying nice and warm.
What a bad start to 2010! I hope that everything will be ok soon!
A friend of mine told me yesterday that his car was destroyed recently and that he recieved too little money from his insurance. So he contacted the insurance guys and told them that is is not enough money to buy another car (they had to give them as much money as would be needed to buy the same type of car - age, trim level, mileage - from a local dealer). He suported his arguments with proposals from local dealers. Believe it or not: he received another 2000 EUR in reward for his complaint!!! Maybe you can try this, too.