Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stunningly Sufficient

Sometimes, when I see the Holy Spirit working, I can only stand back and shake my head in awe and disbelief at how it works.
I had a doctor's appointment today. (routine- nothing special) As I was walking out the door of my house I had the crazy idea of taking my doctor (who I've been going to for 25 years!!!) one of our new CDs, "Inner Sanctum". I don't know why I thought to do that because I've never done that before.
When I was called into his office he seemed to be sort of tired and seemed somehow aged. But friendly as always. Before the examination began, I handed him the CD. He was pretty surprised and asked what it was. I told him it was a new duet CD of me and Eddie and I wanted to give it to him. He was so pleased and turned it over to read the song titles. His eyes kind of misted over and he thanked me kindly.
After the exam, I noticed that his wife wasn't at the front desk as she usually is. I asked after her. He took me back into his office and told me with tears in his eyes that his wife has been recently diagnosed with cancer. She has had 2 rounds of chemotherapy so far. And many more to go. And she told him that the worst part of the chemotherapy was the sounds of the chemotherapy machines.
So, yesterday her husband(my doctor) bought her a disc-man. And promised to find a CD that would soothe and comfort her during her next chemotherapy session. And then he looked me straight in the eye with tears rolling down his face and said that this CD would be absolutely perfectly suited to his wife's needs. And he said he was so moved by the fact that I thought to bring him this CD today.
My eyes were wide with surprise at how stunningly sufficient God can provide for our needs. Often from unexpected sources. And I had the privilege of being a tool today to minister to my beloved doctor and his dear wife in a way I could not have imagined.


  1. Wie gut, dass Gott uns Menschen diese spontanen Ideen immer wieder gibt!
    Bei manchen Menschen ist es ja so, dass sie, wenn sie schwer krank sind, empfänglicher werden für Gottes Botschaft. Ich denke, die CD kann dort eine Hilfe sein.

  2. Inneren Impulsen sollte man vertrauen! Wenn man z.B. immer die selbe Strecke geht, und man bekommt den Impuls einfach mal links anstatt rechts um die Ecke zu gehen, dann steht da vielleicht jemand, den man kennenlernen sollte ... oder man sieht ein süßes, kleines Vögelchen und spürt Freude!

    Ich wünsche dir, dass du jeden Tag die Kleinigkeit entdecken kannst, die Dir ein Lächeln aufs Gesicht zaubert.


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