Oh my, oh my, oh my, it was a tension-filled week last week. Eddie and I were asked to sing for the Queen of Germany. Oh, you didn't know Germany had a Queen? Well, it most definitely does! Queen Angie entered the Museum for Communication in Berlin last Wednesday with the pomp and pageantry befitting her royalty. The only difference being that Queen Angie prefers to wear business suits and doesn't wear a hat.
She spoke at the Evangelische Presse Dienst 100 year Jubilee for about 20-25 minutes while Eddie and I danced backstage to keep our energy levels up while waiting for our entrance. Then, just as it sounded like Fr. Merkel was about to finish her speech, Eddie and Florian disappeared. And I started to panic. And I waited and waited, but they were gone. And I waited some more and finally sent someone to look for them. I started pacing and having mini heart attacks. They showed up calmly, not knowing that I was ripping my hair out. Eddie had gone back downstairs to the dressing room to sneak another look at the song text and Florian had gone downstairs to send a text message to someone. Good grief!!!
A few moments later the Queen finished her speech and we expected her to be escorted straight out of the building. But she took her seat in the front row and stayed for us to sing! And then she left.
We were pretty happy about that!
During the evening the Bischöfin Käßman also spoke. And she reminded us that ancient texts like "The Lord's Prayer" are such a comfort to so many people in this day and time. Eddie and I can only agree with that. We are amazed at how many people have been touched by the old lyrics of the songs on our new album "Inner Sanctum". There is a great need to feel connected to the generations of the faithful in this turbulent time. So many things change so quickly. Communication is faster than we can process. What seems important today, can be trivial tomorrow.
But some things have stood the test of time.
After the tension and the long hours traveling to and from Berlin and nursing my son who developed a stomach virus, I was pretty rattled by the time Friday rolled around.
And on Saturday I had such a treat to look forward to- a lovely lady named Sabine Schober invited me to immerse myself in a couple of pampering moments in her cosmetic salon. www.timeless-beauty-home.de Oh, the joy! After 2 1/2 hours of massaging, steaming, scrubbing and praising the Lord together, I left feeling very soft, very relaxed and very privileged. She's great!
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