I feel like I have sailed over continents and swum oceans since my last blog entry. But actually it's just been a normal Christmas and New Year's for us.
Eddie, Luke, Florian and I had 7 wholly enjoyable Christmas concerts that were all sold out except for the huge 1200- seat Gedächtnis Kirche in Speyer. (and there were 600-700 people there)
Lifelines sold: 89 !
My son came home for Christmas- the first time in 7 years.
6 wonderful people came to stay at our house for a week. We went to the opera, rode in a big horse-drawn sled, visited a gorgeous castle, ate in Karlsruhe's tallest restaurant, shot off mega-tons of fireworks on New Year's Eve, sang karaoke, and drank astonishing amounts of beer.
Someone threw up in our basement on New Year's Eve.
The dog stuck a stick in her eye and now she's partially blind.
After 9 washing machine loads of bed linens and guest towels we are finally caught up in the laundry department.
As you can see from the picture, my Christmas candle has almost burned itself down and out, so that means it is time to take down the Christmas decorations. Time to get back to work. Time to go back on Weight Watchers.
I need a vacation.
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