Friday, January 22, 2010


This morning I was out scraping ice off my windshield in the pre-dawn darkness and complaining about it. And I got in the car to drive to school, turning the heat up to full and thawing out nicely, thank you very much. I was listening to a radio interview with Bob Poff, the director of the Salvation Army in Haiti. He was describing the situation in the middle of Port-au-Prince. Horrific. Beyond comprehension. So painful to even contemplate.
Suddenly I felt very small and ashamed to have complained and lost my temper over having to scrape my car windshield.
When I got to school, I felt particularly magnanimous towards the children. They always respond to generosity of spirit by being particularly charming, and pleasant, and teachable.
I felt tremors from the Caribbean earthquake in Karlsruhe, Germany.
Wishing you a reflective day.....


  1. Du schreibst soooo schön! Wann kommt dein erstes Buch raus?!! Hast du schonmal daran gedacht ein Buch zu schreiben? Vielleicht eine Autobio oder eine schöne Geschichte? Oder einfach deine Gedanken über das Leben?
    Du kamst heute Nacht übrigens in meinem Traum vor. War positiv. ;-) :-D

  2. Feli, you always says the nicest things. Thank you!

  3. Hoffentlich sehe ich dich bald auf einem Konzert!


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