I just got back from the Beauty Salon. I only go twice a year. (I know! Unbelievable!) One of those times is the week before our first Christmas concert. Sooooo, guess what's on the very near horizon? Yup. Cae & Eddie Christmas concerts! Yippeeeee!
We rehearsed yesterday for many many hours. Me and Eddie and Luke and Florian. And Peter our sound guy was there, too, to listen to the new songs and the playbacks so that he could create a beautiful sound landscape for each song. The audio system company FOHHN is sponsoring us with the most amazing new sound system. You can see what Peter will be using here: http://www.fohhn.com/index.php?id=12&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=436&cHash=78f9473a87
It is state-of-the-art high tech and just perfect for our "made-by-hand" vocals. Thank you, FOHHN !
The rehearsal went surprisingly well considering I have a nagging cough, and Florian had just gotten home from a Söhne Mannheims concert in Hamburg in the wee hours of the morning. At some point we discovered that we all had a bit of a headache so we all felt sorry for each other and ourselves. A bonding moment.
We really like the program that we have put together. There are some tried and true numbers, some new songs from our new album, "Inner Sanctum", and, of course, some surprises.
Our first concert is this Sunday, December 6 in Russheim. Then on Monday we will be singing in the Kammertheater in Karlsruhe. We've put together a slightly altered program for that audience to accommodate the "theater" atmosphere. Edo Zanki will be singing with us on at least 1 song. That will definitely be fun!
If you want to know where the concerts will be you can find the schedule on my website: www.caegauntt.de and then click at the bottom under "Meeting Places".
So many things to think of. Transportation, sound system, health, program, dog-sitter, what to wear, texts, Lifelines and CDs.
Did somebody just mention CDs ????? :)
We are so excited. Soon we will actually be holding the baby in our hands. What a long birth this has been.
So, dear Reader, this was just a quick note to get you up to date. Gotta run, because I've got a couple of people coming to look at Lifelines BEFORE they are for sale at the concerts. They want first choice. Whatever they don't buy, I'll have with me on Sunday in Russheim.
Hallo Cae,
ReplyDeleteich wünsche Euch alles Gute und Gottes Segen für Eure Konzerte. Und ich hoffe, dass Du bald wieder ganz gesund wirst.
I know you might be too busy to write for awhile. Know that I'll be thinking of you and wishing you all the very best. You've planned and worked so hard preparing to create an amazing experience for your audience. I'm jealous that I can't be there. Looking forward to hearing about all of your experiences - in person!