Dear Reader,
I want you to know that even when I don't write in my blog, I'm still thinking about you. It's true. But sometimes, thinking is all I do and I can't drag my sore, feverish, coughing body to the computer to write to you. Even though I have soooo much to tell you.
OK, enough excuses. Here's what's up. -
I have my fabulous sideboard now! Remember me telling you about the carpenter that I met who set about to build me a sideboard? He made it from German oak and walnut and even made the drawer pulls out of slate squares that we used on the floors. And then he set on top, exactly how I wished, a squirmy, twisted plum tree. I've put up the picture so that you can see for yourself how it turned out. He, Frank Roth, is an artist. And a perfectionist. And I am honored beyond words that he would take time out from his family to make this gorgeous piece. I will cherish it for the rest of my life.
Last weekend I served on the jury of the Werte Awards (Values Awards) in Schwäbisch Gmünd. This is an award that is given every two years to people who have served God and others selflessly either through volunteer work, projects, or courageous actions in everyday life. During the process of familiarizing myself with the various candidates, I was required to read through about 35 heart-wrenching bios. People who have opened their homes and their lives, and given generously to total strangers and embraced the unlovely. Honestly, this was one of the most humbling experiences I have ever had. I don't know what made me qualified to judge these people. Next to these Ambassadors of Compassion , I am a pauper.
The big news of the day: today, this very day, the graphics were finished for the CD booklet of "Inner Sanctum". Bernd Hartwig, the graphic artist, has stayed awake for the most part of the last 2 nights putting the finishing touches on the booklets. And I love the results!
This means, barring any unforeseen glitches at the press, we will have the new CD with us for the Christmas concerts.
We're scheduled to have our first Christmas concert rehearsal with Florian, who has been crazy busy with Söhne Mannheims, on Friday. We will then get the final set list put together and work out an arrangement or two. We are tremendously excited to be premiering several of the songs from the new album. Hope you like them!
I've been busy every evening making new Lifelines for you. I want to have a nice selection with me at the Christmas concerts. This week I've been making a lot of black Lifelines, simply because that's how it felt inside my head. Black! I HATE being sick. (I don't know anyone who enjoys it) In my mind though, I was just busy building antibodies to give me immunity from all the creepy crawly little flu bugs that seem to be everywhere right now. I hope YOU are staying well.
Luke is in the office while I'm writing this blog, listening to various Mozart recordings. He has decided that he appreciates Mozart's order and clarity of composition. I couldn't have said it better myself. And I studied music for 100 years!
Your sideboard is completely unique and beautiful - just like you. Maybe you needed to have this flu now so you wouldn't get it later. I wish you strength and "clarity of composition" in the weeks ahead for your concerts.