One and a half rooms finished. Hands hurt, knees hurt, back hurts. And that's all just from watching Eddie work! But we are so happy with how our solution to our floor problem is working out.
Who says you can't breathe new life into old things?
Not me!
My 82-year old Dad just told me he wants to get married. He and his girlfriend have been sneaking around the old folk's home at night. They are enjoying each other so much! My Dad sounds like a teen-ager on the phone.
Who says you can't breather new life into old things?
Tomorrow Eddie and I will get up at 6:30 AM for our 18th First Day of School. Alex began first grade in 1991 and Luke begins his senior year at the European School tomorrow. When I got pregnant with Alex, this was not a reality that I could possibly imagine. All these years of getting up, getting children up, then sending them off to be schooled by teachers who have vastly different priorities and belief systems from mine. Grace has helped us make it thus far!
On Thursday, Eddie and I go to Thommy Mardo's photo studio in Mannheim to have our portraits done for the new album, "Inner Sanctum".
Thommy, PLEASE breathe new life into these old things!!!!
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