About every 10 years or so we (read "I" in that spot) decide that some house renovations are in order. This year it was time to repair the broken floor tiles. If we had 8000 euros, we would have a company come in, move all the furniture, hammer all the old tiles out, even out the concrete foundation and lay new tiles. We don't.
So, we had to consider what options we had if we did everything ourselves (read "Eddie" in that spot). After visiting myriads of tile stores, talking to countless experts, and saving our pennies, we (read... oh you know) have decided to hammer out only the broken tiles, even those areas out, and replace them with tiles that don't match the original ones because they are almost 40 years old and not made any more.
Well into the project, Eddie decided that considering all the furniture had to be moved to get to the broken tiles, he might as well use this opportunity to renew the walls. So, old wallpaper is coming down, none is going back up. He wants to paint the bare concrete walls with a silicate paint that adheres to the surface. It only comes in white.
My job in all this is to keep up his spirits and strength by keeping him fed and watered. Yesterday I made him a strawberry cake. Today, peach cobbler. Tomorrow I'm making Spanakopita. Any contributions are welcome!
I'm posting a picture of him filling in the holes in the naked walls before he paints them tomorrow. This man was today the talk guest on the big local radio station. People think he lives a charmed life of luxury. He doesn't. Here it is 1:00 in the morning, and he's still on his feet forcing himself to get this job done.
I read this quotation by Frank Tibolt today while Eddie was cutting tiles with his diamond bit hand saw: "We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action."
While I am never at a loss for inspiration, Eddie is a man of action. This project would NEVER get done if I was trying to do it alone. Who's da man? My man!
Eddie, you are a gem!