Sunday, October 30, 2011

The making of "Jesu, Meine Freude" for OPEN DOORS

I had the privilege of singing on an album that is being used to make people aware of persecuted Christians around the world.  OPEN DOORS is a ministry that gives these people a voice.

The album is called "Grenzenlos" and is not for sale but is being distributed by OPEN DOORS in the hope that more people will support this organization financially and in prayer. 

I was asked to sing the old German Bach chorale "Jesu, meine Freude" for this production and Florian Sitzmann and I were glad to take part.  The arrangement, by Dirk Benner is quite tender and emotional. 
The video you see here is a part of the CD /DVD package that is being distributed. There are also several interviews with Christians around the world telling their stories of perserverence in the face of persecution that you and I can hardly imagine.  And all because they have chosen to follow Christ.  


  1. Free translation says the first comment means "It produces goose skin!" Yep! That was beautiful. Do you still have an American accent when you speak in German?

  2. @Gin: Yes, she does. And it's so sweet. :-)

    @Cae: Tolle Version des Liedes! Und so anders als die damals mti Jan und Henning. Damit aber ja wiederum auch sehr passend zu "Was uns bleibt"... ;-)
    Wer hat denn den Song produziert? Dirkt? Hartmut? Florian?

  3. Das ist ein großartiger sound und ich liebe Caes Stimme immer ganz besonders, wenn sie sie so wie hier einsetzt. Unglaublich facettenreich, vom Text her gedacht....ich denke 2 meiner Lieblingsarragements und Interpreatationen von Cae: "Seele was ermüdst Du Dich" auf petrographs (dieses Album war überhaupt der Hammer mit all den musikalischen Querbezügen, die Covergestaltung, sound, Stimme...) und das hier :)


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