I have now been on antibiotics for 7 days. I hate antibiotics for so many reasons, but I know that sometimes they save lives. My doctor, who is very stingy with his antibiotic prescriptions, has me on a 2 week treatment in the hopes of finally getting rid of a nasty and painful sinus infection and bronchitis.
You know, if I had a normal job, ths would be no big deal. But tomorrow and Saturday I have 2 concerts with 4yourSoul. One in Knittlingen (not far from Karlsruhe) and one in Leihgestern- close to Giessen. The one tomorrow is completely sold out, but I understand that there are still tickets to be had for the Saturday concert. It's starts at 20:00 at the :
Ev. Kirche Leihgestern Kirchstrasse 35440 Linden For tickets: 06403-62078 oder 609928 Timo.Kloes@online.de kirche.leihgestern@t-online.de
I'm doing everything possible to be in good voice for these concerts. But, I would appreciate your prayers. So often I've felt something bigger than me take over a seemingly hopeless situation and turn it into something special. That "something bigger" is my God.
I haven't written in this blog since my concert in Siegen. Oh, my, what a special evening. I'm attaching a couple of pictures from that concert. I loved having Florian with me, and Luke on percussion, guitar and backings. And Eddie manning the merchandise table, with Mokka the dog at his feet. All my peeps! (Except my son in England, of course, but that would have been sort of a long trip for him)
Luke forgot to bring his e-guitar with him to the concert. I will not make a judgement call here, even though I am strongly inclined to! So, he had to borrow one from the young daughter of the concert organizer. (Thank you soooooo much!) It was freshly strung, and did not hold tuning even for the length of one song. So, Luke and I (and lots of other people) were in stitches at the sounds coming out of that instrument. Luke even laughed right out loud at one point, which got my giggle box turned over and almost ended the song. I love it when stuff like that happens!
I spontaneously asked whether anyone from our choir workshop from 2 weeks before were there in the audience. Several hands went up, so I asked them whether they would sing one of the songs with me that we had done together. And one after another came up to the stage to sing with me. And they just kept coming. Honestly, I think there were 25-30 singers on the stage singing "Liebe Trägt Uns Durch" with me. It was a very cool moment for me! I've included a picture of that moment.
I asked Eddie to sing "The Prayer" with me as the encore. What a roar of approval from the audience! Eddie is truly a monumental audio and visual experience!
Maybe I'll see you at one of the concerts. If so, cool! If not, I'll let you know how it goes......